Distribution in Europe – Answers provided by Stephan Greiner, vice president EMEA, Cree Europe

Pubblicato il 30 settembre 2013

EONEWS: What is your opinion regarding this year electronic market trends (electronics means not only semiconductor but also passives and electromechanical) globally and in particular in the European region?

GREINER: In Europe the electronics market is so far mainly driven by automotive and industry developments. However, the growing LED adoption in General Lighting gains influence on the electronic markets.

EONEWS: Do you think that Europe could play in the short-medium period a key role in the global electronic market? If yes: in which sector?

GREINER: Europe already has a good position, but I don’t expect Europe to tip the scales significantly in the near future.

EONEWS: What are the most important events that have influenced the electronic distribution in Europe this year?

GREINER: From our point of view the fact that lighting has become an electronics product has had a strong influence.

EONEWS: What are the strategies you implement to support your future expansion in Europe?

GREINER: Our strategy has been to drive the market to LED adoption and push the LED revolution. Our expansion is driven by our innovation rate. We invest in research & development and thus are leading the market in components with a efficacy and efficiency, as well as Dollar per Lumen.

EONEWS: From a general point of view, in your opinion, are there still key barriers today to overcome, to improve the ecosystem (logistics, supply chain of vendors, distributors, dealers, etc.) of electronic distribution in Europe? If yes, what are them, and what are the solutions?

GREINER: The main complexities we see for distribution are caused by growing product portfolios as well as a rising demand for modular solutions. To manage these trends properly, channels may need to focus more in regards of products, suppliers and applications.

EONEWS: Do you envision a particular shift in the evolution of this business model for the next future?

GREINER: Not an evolutionary shift in distribution, but a stronger forward integration could have an effect on the line cards as well as the ecosystem of distributors leading to integrated solutions offerings (such as modules in addition to components).

Cree Europe

Read the article on EONews 567-September

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