electronica 2014 – Rigol

Pubblicato il 30 ottobre 2014

Rigol Technologies will attend electronica 2014 (Hall 1, Booth 259) and announces its latest series of products: 2 new high-performance, high frequency spectrum analyzers built on the extremely popular DSA800 series platform. The DSA832 and DSA875 expand the DSA800 series spectrum analyzer family to 3.2 and 7.5 GHz respectively. With specifications that far exceed the DSA815-TG these new instruments enable direct measurements of higher performance signals and systems.

For design and development implementing Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and other RF standards, the SSB Phase Noise down as low as -98 dBc/Hz at a 10 KHz offset empowers engineers to more accurately analyze modulations and noise surrounding their signals of interest. This becomes important for debugging and immunity testing of transceiver systems. The 7.5 GHz instrument enables engineers to investigate the 3rd harmonic of all of their critical 2.4 GHz applications.

Additionally, resolution bandwidth settings down to 10 Hz means more precise visualization of low power RF signals. Whether you are still debugging your RF transceiver set, designing layout and configuration changes to maximize efficiency, or testing your system in noisy environments the DSA800 series spectrum analyzers will help you to quickly and easily identify and analyze your areas of concern.

While the DSA815 has become one of the industry’s go-to tools for precompliance testing, the DSA832’s expanded range (up to 3.2 GHz) enables more complete EMI test coverage. With the EMI-DSA800 option you can enable the EMI RBW settings and the Quasi-Peak filter across the entire spectrum of interest for compliance and immunity testing. Find and evaluate even extremely low power issues with the preamplifier option (PA-DSA832 or PA-DSA875). Using the preamplifier, the displayed average noise level (DANL) normalized to 1 Hz is specified as low as -161 dBm (typical) from 5 MHz all the way to 3.2 GHz.

Built on the popular and rugged DSA800 platform, the new DSA832 and DSA875 have a broad set of features and options including a VSWR measurement toolkit for configuring and evaluating antennas as well as an advanced measurement kit (DSA800-AMK) that enables additional measurement functions including channel boundaries and signal to noise ratio factors. New accessories include the 8 GHz VSWR bridge or directional coupler (VB1080) as well as new accessory packs for 75 Ohm work (RF CATV Kit), and attenuator sets for higher power work including the RF Attenuator Kit which includes 6 and 10 dB attenuators or the model ATT03301H 30 dB high power attenuator.

The expansion of the DSA800 series of spectrum analyzers to 3.2 and 7.5 GHz continues our efforts to bring Rigol’s unprecedented value to new industries and engineers who demand uncompromising products for their increasingly difficult high performance RF test requirements. With this two new Spectrum Analyzers, Rigol extend their existing RF portfolio including the new RF-Source series DSG3000 to more and more establish in the RF professional test market.

Rigol also introduce a new EMI Test Software for Pre-Compliance tests during the next few weeks for a complete RF test offering.


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