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Page Background 7R oQG WKH ULJKW KLJK SRZHU VXSSO\ IRU \RXU QHHGV JHW \RXU 3RZHU 3URGXFWV 6HOHFWLRQ *XLGH DW ZZZ NH\VLJKW FRP oQG 1 $XWRUDQJLQJ Numero Verde: 800 599 100 Does the work of many. Takes the space of few. .H\VLJKW 1 6HULHV $XWRUDQJLQJ '& 3RZHU 6XSSOLHV Autoranging output does the job of many power supplies Up to 15 kW in 3U maximizes rack space Parallel multiple units for >100 kW of power 28 models: up to 1500 V, up to 510 A Make every inch of precious rack space count thanks to the Keysight N8900 Autoranging Series. Choose from 5, 10, and 15 kW models that can be easily paralleled to create ‘one’ power supply with >100 kW of power. Now that’s a powerful promise. © Keysight Technologies, Inc. 2014