New HG-F laser distance sensor from Panasonic Industry

Posted 31 March 2023

Panasonic Industry presents the new laser distance sensor HG-F, that can detect reliably at distances of up to 3m using ToF (Time of Flight) technology. This means that the sensor can also be installed at some distance from the object to be measured so that employees or the movement radius of cobots or robot arms can operate freely.

The long range of the HG-F also ensures freedom of design: installation at a distance also enables the measurement of large workpieces or products of different heights on a line.

As a laser sensor, the HG-F uses ToF technology and falls into laser class 1. The advantage of this laser class is on the one hand that no special protective devices are necessary. On the other hand, the visible laser beam allows the measuring position to be recognised at first glance, which is helpful when setting up the sensor. In addition, the HG-F has a special installation mode that makes commissioning particularly easy by amplifying the light intensity.

Another advantage of laser measurement is the fact that the laser beam has a narrow passage to the workpiece. This makes the HG-F ideal for applications where there is little space available for optical measurement.

The HG-F was designed in a compact, lightweight and high-strength aluminum diecast case, that measures 20 x 44 x 25 mm. So, it is suited for operation in demanding environments with limited space.

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