New fluid quality sensors from EBE
EBE ‘s new QCRB corTEC quality sensors open up groundbreaking possibilities for measuring fluid properties in OEM and process applications. These innovative sensors combine capacitive and conductive measurements for precise media detection and enable comprehensive monitoring of fluid properties.
Applicable for gases, liquids, solids and even highly viscous media, EBE’s corTEC sensors can be housed in special hygienic, robust or miniature housings and excellently detect media properties even without direct contact to the medium.
Simultaneous acquisition of capacitive and conductive measured values The QCRB sensors enable simultaneous and real-time acquisition of capacitive and conductive measured values, which previously required the use of two or more measuring devices. They cover capacitive measuring ranges from 0.1pF to 80pF and enable the detection of media in a range of relative permittivity (εr ) from vacuum to water and beyond. To enable a comprehensive analysis of the media a conductivity measuring range extended from typ. 0.1 to 200mS/cm is available.
In addition, the sensors offer real-time calibration to compensate for environmental influences, ensuring high short and long-term stability and repeatability. The sensors are ideal for mass production and enable OEMs to offer excellent quality analysis on a large scale in a cost-efficient manner.