Elettronica Plus

Josef Fromberger responsible for the business unit TQ-EmbeddedERT

Since 1 January 2017, Josef Fromberger has been responsible for the business unit TQ-Embedded of TQ-Systems GmbH, Seefeld near Munich, Germany. With a clear emphasis on international markets, he will continue to push ahead with the sales of the TQ embedded modules. He will be backing the well proven product ranges based on ARM and Power Architecture and TQ’s new strategy to take a top role in the x86 field. To this end, partnerships with leading chip manufacturers, such as Intel, will be intensified.

Josef Fromberger can draw on comprehensive expertise in the branch, he was previously Vice President Standard Products at Kontron. “For embedded customers, there are three factors that count in particular: reliability, quality and longevity of the modules. In addition to these product requirements, a good connection between customer and module supplier is immensely important. TQ fulfils all these points. Furthermore TQ is one of the few companies in the field that has strong, in-house electronics development and manufactures in-house. We thus have the best starting point to expand and extend our embedded business”, explained Josef Fromberger.

In a supporting statement, TQ’s Managing Director, Detlef Schneider said, “In Josef Fromberger, we have gained a senior manager with international experience, who will give fresh impetus to our embedded business area and drive forwards our successful further development. We are delighted to welcome him into the TQ team.”