Digi-Key Electronics announced the extension of its partnership with the ARM University Program to distribute ARM Education Kit hardware components to higher educational institutions.
Digi-Key will provide Education Kit hardware that support design courses covering Embedded Systems, System-on-a-Chip (SoC) development and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. The full education kits contain ARM-based hardware and software components as well as teaching and training materials from the ARM University Program.
“The ARM University Program enables electronics and computer engineering courses all around the world and last year tens of thousands of students took modules based on our technology,” said Khaled Benkrid, Director, Education and Research, ARM. “The collaboration with Digi-Key will provide access to high quality ARM-based hardware, software and teaching tools to support an even greater number of academics, students and engineers. Together, we will be equipping a new wave of developers with the knowledge and skills that will underpin their professional careers.”
The Program includes technologies provided by key Digi-Key suppliers such as STMicroelectronics, NXP, Cypress, and Nordic Semiconductor.
“Collaborating with the ARM University Program and Digi-Key allows the Cypress University Alliance to support an even greater number of engineering students,” said Patrick Kane, Director of the Cypress University Alliance.
“With Cypress’s ARM-based PSoC programmable system-on-chip and FM4 MCU development kits, face-to-face workshops, and inclusion in ARM’s Education Kit series, CUA is providing this new generation of engineers with a broad range of tools to develop and refine their design skills.”