Cookie Policy

Cookie policy

Cookies are short strings of text which visited websites send to the user browser (the program used to navigate such as Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer) where they are stored to be retransmitted to the same websites during subsequent visits. During navigation the user can receive Cookies on their browser sent from subjects other than the controller of the visited site (e.g. “third parties”).

There are technical cookies, which allow to carry out activities strictly connected to the operation of the site and can be used freely, and profiling cookies, used to send the user advertising messages in line with the preferences manifested by the same during navigation and for which it is necessary to acquire user consent.

Through this Site the user browser can receive technical and third-party profiling cookies.

Technical cookies

This Site uses the following first-party and third-party technical cookies: Navigation cookies are session cookies used to store navigation preferences and improve site navigation; Functional cookies are used to provide specific services of the site; Analytic cookies that gather in anonymous and aggregate form, statistical information on user navigation methods (for example, number of pages visited and access, time of permanence in the site: specifically, it has to do with Analytics installed by Google which cannot in any case access user identification data. For further information on the methods of operation of these cookies the user can visit the following web pages: Google Analytics – Data Protection).


As anticipated, the use of these cookies does not require the acquisition of user consent, who can in any case decide to disable the use on their browser (see below): In this case, several of the functions of the site may not be usable. The cookies of Google Analytics can be specifically refused by using the dedicated tool provided by Google.

Third-party profiling cookies

By accessing this website it is also possible to receive third-party profiling cookies in one’s browser, for example, to make the user view announcements on the basis of the websites previously visited, during navigation. For this reason, upon access a banner is proposed to inform the user and to allow him to give their consent to the receipt of such cookies, closing the banner or clicking on any other element of the page, external to the same banner. Fiera Milano has no access to the information gathered by these cookies, which are used in total independence by operators of said services. For further information on the methods of processing data gathered by these cookies the users are invited to consult the information notes on privacy provided by the subjects which make the services in question available. Specifically, the third-party cookies used in the site are the following:

Google DFP click here
Google analytics click here
Facebook click here
Twitter click here
Google + click here

To disable the third-party cookies connected to this site.

How to manage Cookies inside one’s browser

The user can set their browser to be advised of the presence of cookies and decide to accept or refuse a specific cookie. Through the browser preferences it is also possible to eliminate the Cookies previously installed. If the user disables all the Cookies the operation of this site could be compromised. Information on how to manage the Cookies on one’s browser is available at the addresses: Google ChromeMozillaFirefoxApple Safari and Microsoft Windows Explorer.

Last update: May 2018