Elettronica Plus

Intel Buys 3D Video Technology StartupERT


Intel Corp announced the acquisition of Israeli startup Replay Technologies, a company focused on 3D video for sporting events. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.
The acquisition marks the latest in a string of moves by Intel to diversify beyond its core market of PC processors and probably is the biggest step of the company yet away from hardware toward application level technology.
Replay Technologies, founded in 2011, is headquartered in Tel Aviv and has U.S. operations in Dallas and Newark, Calif. The company has developed freeD, a proprietary video format which uses high-resolution cameras and compute intensive graphics to enable viewers to see sporting events from every angle.
In a blog posting on Intel’s website, Wendell Brooks, Intel’s senior vice president of mergers and acquisitions, said Replay Technologies would focus on its existing business and advancing its technology “with Intel to deliver faster freeD processing and new features like the ability to manipulate and edit personalized content.”
Intel (Santa Clara, Calif.) has been collaborating with Replay Technologies since 2013 to help the firm optimize its interactive video content on Intel platforms.
The acquisition by Intel is the latest move by the world’s biggest semiconductor company to diversify its business in the wake of declining sales of PCs, still the largest market for its products. In recent times Intel has invested in growth areas that leverage its microprocessing computing power, such as drones.