Infineon Technologies announced the company has achieved the Arm Platform Security Architecture (PSA) Level 2 certification for the PSoC 64 microcontrollers (MCUs) standard secure family of devices. The Level 2 certification includes a laboratory evaluation of the PSA Root of Trust (PSA-RoT) to provide evidence that devices can protect against scalable software attacks. The evaluation labs use vulnerability analysis and penetration testing of the PSA-RoT to establish if the nine security requirements of the PSA-RoT Protection Profile have been met.
Infineon’s PSoC 64 secured MCUs were one of the first Arm Cortex-M processors to be certified as PSA Level 1-compliant. With the new PSA Level 2 certification, developers of IoT systems have an extended level of trust when they use PSoC 64 secured MCUs, which are equipped with the Arm PSA holistic set of threat models, security analyses, hardware and firmware architecture specifications.