Elettronica Plus

Panasonic Industry and Symbiotech release new Wirepas Mesh Demo Kit for PAN1780ERT

Panasonic Industry

Panasonic Industry recently announced that it approached the Finnish mesh firmware innovators from Wirepas to integrate their patented advanced mesh connectivity into the PAN1780, a Bluetooth 5 Low Energy Module that is based on the Nordic Semiconductor‘s nRF52840 single-chip controller.

The launch of the PAN1780 Wirepas Mesh Demo Kit springs from Panasonic’s collaboration with IoT software consulting firm, Symbiotech. The kit consists of four battery-powered sensor nodes and a sink, allowing you to set up a Wirepas Mesh network at any time and at any place.

Panasonic Industry provides a sensor node with a long wireless transmission range. This is achieved by the optimised chip antenna of the PAN1780.

Symbiotech, as Wirepas Mesh experts, developed software that enables an extremely easy set-up of the demonstration, with a user interface that shows sensor data, offers control and gives insight into the network health.