Elettronica Plus

IPETRONIK: new release of IPEmotion softwareERT

IPETRONIK offers an updated version of its measurement data logging software.

IPEmotion 2017 R1 focuses on the further development of acoustics and online/offline vehicle bus analysis as well as on the integration of CAETEC hardware.

The acoustic module developed for testing the vehicle acoustics has been extended to include new evaluation functions such as root-mean-square value, peak-to-peak, dbB and dbC. In addition, direct audio output is possible via the Campbell diagram.

The vehicle bus analysis can be performed online and offline with the Traffic Analyzer instrument. The filtering for specific CAN IDs or CAN ID ranges is particularly helpful for a practical application. FlexRay traffic can be converted into signals via Fibex and Autosar description files during online and offline traffic analysis. The filtering of FlexRay and LIN traffic messages is planned for the next release stage IPEmotion 2017 R2.

With the new ETH gateway CLFD box, IPETRONIK has a highly compact and multi-channel interface module, whose 16 CAN high-speed inputs, two FlexRay, eight LIN and four DIO channels can be connected to IPEmotion. An Ethernet connection to the PC permits the implementation of multi-channel CAN, LIN, FlexRay traffic and signal-based measurements.