Elettronica Plus

IAR Systems provides full support for Renesas RH850ERT

IAR Systems announced its new v3.10 of IAR Embedded Workbench and IAR Build Tools for Renesas RH850.

The IAR Embedded Workbench for RH850 and IAR Build Tools for RH850 have been upgraded to the latest technology platforms, including the latest C/C++ language (library support for the C++17 language standard), which will allow developers to build far more advanced code to handle more complex tasks.

The new release also includes 64-bit IDE & Editor enhancements with Dark Mode, and cross-platform IAR Build Tools streamlined for automated build and test processes in frameworks built on Ubuntu, Red Hat, or Windows.

The release also provides developers with extensions for Visual Studio Code to meet increasing customer demand. The extensions are compatible with the latest versions of IAR Embedded Workbench, and IAR Build Tools for RH850, made available seamlessly at Visual Studio Code Marketplace.

The latest version of IAR Toolchain for RH850 supports all the latest Renesas RH850 high-performance and scalable automotive multicore MCUs.