Elettronica Plus

Benetel and ASOCS join forces on 5G industrial private network solutionERT

OpenRAN radio specialist Benetel and networking software provider ASOCS have brought together their respective expertise to provide the industrial sector with the technology needed for 5G private network installations. The two companies have agreed to enter into a joint global cooperation and are currently performing extensive interoperability testing. ASOCS will then integrate Benetel OpenRAN radio units (RUs) with its CYRUS private 5G RAN software. This will be a major step forward in the progression of Industry 4.0, enabling the benefits of high data rates, low latency, and enhanced security functions of 5G to be realized, alongside the ease of installation associated with Wi-Fi.

Benetel’s RAN550 radio units (RUs) are targeted at indoor usage, while the RAN650 RUs are intended for outdoor installation. Featuring a 4T4R antenna configuration, these OpenRAN RUs have a 7.2 functional split and can deliver 100MHz of instantaneous bandwidth. Versions are available that support the n78, n77u and n79 frequency bands. By using these RUs in combination with the highly flexible and scalable CYRUS software from ASOCS, industrial customers will be able to build next generation networking infrastructure to support increased levels of automation.