
64 - ELETTRONICA OGGI 482 - NOVEMBRE/DICEMBRE 2019 SHORT RANGE COMMUNICATION COMM Application Direct frequency Modulation Notes Automatic meter reading (AMR) Water meter 1-way 470 MHz 868 MHz 915 MHz FSK AMR is a growing field of automation for large utilities and the meter-manufacturing industry it is a subset of sensor networks (HAN, NAN, mesh network), collector/concentrator structures, etc. Gas meter 1-way 868 MHz 915 MHz FSK – Electric meter 2-way 868 MHz 915 MHz FSK Occasionally designed as the “collector” for a home area net- work (HAN) Home automation (HA) Wireless remote control 1-way 434 MHz ASK, FSK IR replacement, AV systems, set-top boxes, multiroom con- trols, wireless data streaming (control channel) Lighting 1-way 390 MHz 418 MHz 434 MHz ASK Mood lighting, coordinated with AV Motor control 1-way 434 MHz ASK Projector screens, blinds/shades, coordinateed with HVAC Security/fire 1-way 2-way 345 MHz 434 MHz ASK – GDO 1-way 315 MHz 390 MHz ASK Gate opener, driveway security Heat allocation 1-way – – – Energy management 2-way – – Programmable thermostats, watt-meter display Home weather stations 1-way – – Remote sensing Application Direct frequency Modulation Notes RFID Production tracking 2-way 915 MHz 2.45 MHz 5.8 MHz ASK, FSK, BPSK – Rail trucking 2-way 915 MHz 2.45 MHz 5.8 MHz ASK, FSK, BPSK – Wireless networking Bluetooth LE 2-way 2.45 MHz FHSS IEEE 802.15.1 Wi-Fi 2-way 2.45 MHz 5 GHz DSSS, FHSS, OFDM IEEE 802.11 Wildlife tracking Land/aquatic/air 1-way 410 MHz PSK ARGOS satellite system Networking Wi-Fi 2-way 2.45 MHz 5 GHz DSSS, FHSS, OFDM IEEE 802.11 Wildlife tracking Land/aquatic/air 1-way 410 MHz PSK ARGOS satellite system Tabella 3 – Applicazioni di sistemi radio short range Application Direct frequency Modulation Notes Automotive Remote keyless entry (RKE) 1-way 315 MHz 434 MHz ASK After-market system and high-end luxury automobiles are moving toward two-way communication to provide feedback to the user in addition to the RKE fuction Passive keyless entry (PKE) 2-way 125 MHz 13.56 MHz ASK – Tire-pressure monitoring system (TPMS) 1-way 315 MHz 434 MHz FSK – Garage-door opener (GDO) 1-way 315 MHz 390 MHz ASK the U.S. Military uses 390 MHz in certain locations; as such 315 MHz is used to cover those areas Electronic toll collection (ETC) and automatic vehicle identification (AVI) 1-way – – – Wireless OBDII 1-way 315 MHz 434 MHz ASK Monitor maintenance conditions, driving habits, etc.