
italian distributor Development Simplify Your GUI Integrated Development Environment $ Object-oriented, component based development approach $ Integrated prototyping and debugging environment to test the GUI application instantly $ Generation of source code optimized for your selected target system GUI Elements Images $ Import of images provided in PNG, JPG, BMP and GIF files $ Support of multi-frame and animated images - ideal for animated icons $ Support of alpha-only images, where the color can be set at the runtime Text, Fonts & Languages $ Support of Arabic or Hebrew strings. For printing Arabic strings, contextual shaping and mandatory ligatures are supported $ Import of glyphs and metrics from TrueType fonts installed on your PC Multiple GUI Options out of one Project $ Localization of images, texts as well as other data entities to simplify the creation of multi-lingual GUI applications $ Support of themes and product variants by creating multi-variant GUI components, images, etc. Selection of the right variants occurs automatically during code generation or dynamically during runtime User Input Events $ Various handlers to process touch screen events and recognize gestures including the support of multi-touch $ Handler to process keyboard or hardware buttons events Supported Frame Buffer Color Formats The color format of a GUI application depends on the capabilities of the desired target system and on the possible color format of the frame buffer. In general, Embedded Wizard supports many different color formats like: $ 16,24,32-bit true color formats (RGBA8888, RGB888, RGBA4444, RGB565) $ 8-bit CLUT based (color look-up table) color format (Index8) $ 8-bit grayscale/monochrome format (LumA44) Performance & Memory Footprint $ Direct access of bitmap and string resources from flash in order to avoid unnecessary memory allocation $ Support of different bitmap source formats to achieve the best flash footprint as possible $ Bar chart to show estimated total memory usage (RAM) of the developed application and to reflect memory requirements within target device​ on bare metal