RECOM Seminar: “Power supply meets EMC – Know-how”

Pubblicato il 10 novembre 2015
Organizzatore: RECOM Electronic GmbH
Info e iscrizioni:
Indirizzo email:
Luogo: Gmunden (Austria)
Data Inizio: 26/11/2015
Data Fine: 27/11/2015


  • EMC Measurement
    How to achieve results? (Keysight)
  • Failure Modes
    Suppression components in the application (Würth)
  • EMC
    Critical design in and around a switchmode powersupply (TU Graz)
  • First time fail – what now?
    Approach for finding solutions (RECOM)
  • Design Rules
    Schematic and layout recommendations (JKU Linz)
  • Workshop
    (5 Live measurements)

The number of participants will be limited to twenty-five to keep the quality of the seminar at a high level. The attendance fee will be €500 per person, including service.